
Rider Ranking

Current Ranking:

The current CQ value of a rider is based on his results of the past 12 months. Team Time Trial points are not taken into account.

Year Ranking:

The year value of a rider is based on his results in a calendar year. Team Time Trial points are not taken into account.

All-Time Ranking:

The All-Time value of a rider is based on all of his results. Team Time Trial points are not taken into account.

Team Ranking

Current Ranking:

The current CQ value of a team is equal to the sum of the current CQ values of all riders in that team. It is possible that some of those points were obtained by riders while riding for their former team.

Year Ranking:

The year value of a team is equal to the sum of points that all riders in that team obtained during that calendar year and the points obtained from Team Classifications and Team Time Trials.

All-Time Ranking:

The All-Time value of a team is equal to the sum of points that all riders obtained while riding for that team and the points obtained from Team Classifications and Team Time Trials.

Country Ranking

Current Ranking:

The current CQ value of a country is equal to the sum of the current values of the top 3 riders of that country. It is possible that some of those points were obtained by riders while riding with a different country.

Year Ranking:

The year value of a country is equal to the sum of the current values of the top 3 riders of that country.

All-Time Ranking:

The All-Time value of a country is equal to the sum of the All-Time value of the top 3 riders of that country and only taking into account points obtained while riding for that country.


TCVRanking Cym-Spain TCV

Flags were obtained from Icon Drawer

Developed by Jose Contreras Pereira